Stone of Help Ministry supports local leaders in Haiti, providing discipleship, education, and health services for local churches and schools. The traffic in the city and poor road infrastructure makes driving notoriously difficult in Haiti. One of our partners in Haiti, Pastor Nerva, travels for hours to visit local communities by motorcycle, Tap-Tap (public taxi), by foot, or by whatever means God provides.
As we are now establishing a full-time presence in Haiti, we have an urgent need for a 4-wheel drive truck. Rental vehicles are hard to secure, and very expensive. Even fewer vehicles would be able to manage the back trails, such as the path to little Fè Yo Byen.
Won’t you please partner with us to procure a 4-wheel drive vehicle in Haiti so that we can efficiently (and safely) serve the outlying communities with discipleship, education, health, and nutrition services? Your contribution of $100 or more today will greatly help in raising the $12,000 we need for a reliable, used 4-wheel drive vehicle.