Youth Gather for Bible Retreat

Thirteen young men and women representing four different local churches in the west region of Haiti attended a youth retreat sponsored by Stone of Help Haiti from the the 15th to the 18th of February 2015. The youth gathered at our mission house under the theme “true worshippers worship in Spirit and in truth.” The participants were able to study what the Word of God teaches about personal and corporate worship.

retreat2If I were to summarize the three day retreat in a simple statement it would be “hunger to study the word of God.” It was hard to stay within the timeframe set for each session as the future church leaders had many questions on what the Bible teaches about worship. The youth showed a great teachable spirit, and a lovely atmosphere reigned from the very first day, growing bigger as the event progressed.

Testimonies from the event are really encouraging. Here are a few quotes:

“I have been in retreats before, but that is the first time I got to learn so much about God in a a retreat.”  –  Manoucheka

“I am so thankful about those three days. I feel like we should have more days to study the Word of God. All that time I have been worshiping God not knowing or not understanding what worship means and implies.” –  Wichel

“I made some great friends. I would never think that some youth were so nice. So thank you for the opportunity to get to know more people that are going to the same mission church as I am.” –  André-Rose

“One of the things I am thankful for is the fact that I felt really home… one could feel loved in many aspects.” –  Amos

“I don’t have words to express how I feel. I will pray for the ministry because only God could make us be part of such a great event. All the glory goes to Him.” – Jephté

retreatprayerWhen it was time to separate, everyone was asking when the next event would be. They want to get together again to have other studies like this one.

Stone of Help Haiti is committed to supporting the transformation of lives through Christian discipleship and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have plans to continue ministering to this group of young people, and God willing, we will witness amazing works done in His name.

Please support us in proclaiming the name of Jesus in the vulnerable communities of Haiti.