Bonjou faithful partners in ministry,
Stone of Help Haiti welcomed the summer season with two memorable and inspiring events.

Area churches of Centre Chretien Mont Des Oliviers assembled on the grounds of Ganthier for a three day youth retreat. “A Call to Personal Holiness” was the major theme for some one hundred thirty next generation of Believers in attendance. It was such a joy to witness young folks coming together from multiple churches and forming true bonds of friendship and unity that is sure to strengthen their walk with God in days to come. This occasion was marked by meaningful prayer, intense worship, and wise instruction which fell upon the most receptive hearts and minds. The weekend also included a CPR class, swimming, soccer, food, and fun times of fellowship.
Stone of Help Haiti wholeheartedly believes that people are our greatest resource. It is remarkable how so many young people in Haiti with very limited resources are able to gain and retain such deep understanding in the things of God.
Please consider, as the Lord leads, donating to Stone of Help Haiti that we might get a Bible in the hands of anyone hungering to know more of God through His Holy Word. Witnessing the visible fruit from times and events such as these confirms the fact that Stone of Help Haiti is truly committed to planting on the most fertile of ground.
It has been said that God is faithful and always on time. The truth of those words was never more apparent than in our most recent trip to the mountain community of Sanite Les Cayes.

July typically marks out the time when God’s church in Sanite comes together for its annual anniversary celebration. People in these parts continue to suffer immensely in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. Included in all the collateral damage was the complete destruction of the church Stone of Help Haiti is called to serve.
Your loving financial support has enabled Stone of Help Haiti to facilitate a steady work in the rebuilding process of God’s people’s place of worship. How fitting that “The faithfulness of God” was this year’s theme. Because, praise God, that by His providence and perfect timing, this year’s week long anniversary celebration coincided perfectly with the completion of the new church facility.
Upwards of three to four hundred people came together in unity to praise God unlike I have rarely seen before. About twenty or so from the Port au Prince area churches also made the several hour ride and mountain climb to participate in this glorious ministry event. Dr. Jean Abel’s father, Pr. Jean Gesner Pierre, planted this church several years ago, and because of your generous support it will continue to stand as a symbol of God’s faithfulness throughout all generations. Please continue to pray for these beautiful mountain communities. Their steadfast faith in the face of unspeakable hardship is truly a sight to behold.
On behalf of Stone of Help Haiti, thank you for your prayers and financial support for the mission and visions God has set before us. God’s provision through His people is the reason SoHH continues to take the cause for Christ even to the most hard to reach places in the beautiful land of Haiti. Stone of Help Haiti humbly asks that you might prayerfully consider being a steady monthly donor to this ministry. You can rest assured that everything given in His Name is truly making a godly difference for time as well as for eternity. May God bless you mightily for your caring heart.