Pray for Upcoming Pastoral Conference in Haiti

Stone of Help Haiti is sponsoring the first of a series of Pastoral Conferences slated for April 13-15. Many of Haiti’s pastors work tirelessly while receiving no financial support whatsoever. Yet, they faithfully execute their calling from God without compromise. What a testimony of a servant’s heart.

This promises to be a most memorable time of prayer, praise, rich instruction, and sweet fellowship among God’s servants. This is especially true for pastors coming in from the remote mountain regions. Extreme living conditions does not often allow these folks to meet with their collective brothers in the Port au Prince area. Please pray that God’s favor might be on full display among His people throughout this blessed event.

English Bible Study Gaining Traction

Beginning in April, there will be a new weekly english Bible study designed for those who speak or currently study english. The participants will enhance their english comprehension, while exploring God’s Word in wider and deeper ways. This study has been gaining much traction since it was first announced. I am continually amazed at the saint’s passion for learning about the things of God. It is such a blessing to be used by God among such receptive hearts.